COP4813 Web Systems I Home Page: Assignment 15

Assignment 15 - Introspective

Web Systems 1

There are so many things I learned in this class. I've taken a class before with HTML, CSS, and JS. But never all three together structured like this to make entire websites with so many different pages. With so many different purposes for each page. I'd never created my own, real, online website that anyone can see. I find it really cool, and I find web development to be really interesting.

The coolest project had to have been the client project. It was difficult, the communication between groupmates and the client, and working together. But actually, creating the site was an eye opener. I'd never used WordPress before, so I was playing around with it a lot in the beginning. But now, I can confidently say my team and I created a fully functional site for a small business, as my client wanted.

The skills I have learned in this class may be crucial for my future career. I have a solid foundation, and I personally feel good about the skills I have built in this class. A lot of intro jobs for web development do not have degrees as a requirement, and they instead have years of experience. This could mean that I have an advantage in the future, as along with a bachelor's degree, I would build up my web development skills and have more experience than I do now.

While right now I don't quite have the years of experience the job postings are asking for, I can easily build that. Especially considering I would then have a degree, with many different skills in web development (UI, UX, HTML, CSS, JS).